Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tag plak dah...

Aku kena tag dgn cikwawi tp baru hari berkesempatan utk menjawab. heheheh..

First Name - Noor
Nickname - eija, niza, hani, klod...hehehehe
Birthday - 6th Mac
Birthplace - HBKL.
Time of Birth - mengikot surat beranak aku adalah pd pkl 8.05am
Zodiac sign - Pisces

–This or That–

Flower or Chocolate - dedua aku suka
Pepsi or Coke - Coke
Pop or Rock - Rock..pop pon ok sebenornya
Relationship or One Night Stand - Haruslah relationship
School or Work - Masa kat school pk keja tu best bila dah keja rasa school lagik best.
Love or Money - Money 1st 2nd Love...hahahaha
Movies or Music - Dedua perlu
Country or City - Country
Sunny days or Rainy days - ikot keadaan
Friends or Family - Family

–Have you ever–

Lied - pernah
Smoked - merokok menbahayakan kesihatan
Broke someone’s heart - penah.
Had your heart broken - penah juga..
Wish you were a prince/princess - hahahah..pernah jugak berangan2 masa kecik2 dulu
Liked someone who was taken - dolu-dolu ada
Shaved your head - nope tp x tau masa baby dulu
Been in love - always dgn pakcik ku tercinta..hahahah
Used chopsticks - x brapa gemor dan x brapa pandai.
Sang in the mirror to yourself - penah..hahaha


Flower - roses, carnation
Candy - tadak yg feveret pon
Scent - yg sporty dan yang lembut
Color - black, navy blue
Musical Instrument - gitar, drum
Movie - Love Actually, Bridget Jones's Diary, Ocean's 11, 12 & 13
Actor/Actress - Angelina Jolie, George Clooney, Colin Firth, Liam Neeson, Hugh Grant, Brad Pitt (kenapa byk sgt actor ni? hahahhaa)
Junk food - biskut ceklat tiger buleh dak? hahahhaa..
Animal - suka kucing tp x buleh dekat sbb allergik
Ever cried over someone - yes
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself - dpt kembali masa umurku 18 thn.
Do you think you’re attractive - yer rasanya.
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose - kena senaraikan balik crita2 dongeng dulu baru buleh pilih.
Do you play any sports - dolu2 netball, hoki, bola baling, badminton, bowling

–List (8) random facts about yourself –

1. bercakap tanpa berpk
2. garang -
3. pakcik cakap aku ni lucu..hahahaha..
4. agak kalut bila sesuatu perkara jadik
5. mudah susah ati.
6. boros sebenornya
7. cemburu
8. penyayang

mangsa seterusnya utk ditag ialah

Cikgu Ayu

yang lelain tu dah dapat rasanya.


Mai - apple green said...

eija...aku singgah blog hang...1st time singgah ni...

eija said...

muehehehhe...maceh mai :)

Anonymous said...

boleh main drum ker??? best best..hehhe hehhe

oh ya!
Salam ronda ronda :)

eija said...

13may...drum tu takat ketok ketok tanpa nada bulerler..muehhehe
salam ronda-ronda jugak buat hang.

Anonymous said...

lol ada blog gak ka clod ni....ish2 kot nak habaq :(

eija said...

muahahhaa..ada cin. tp tak aktip. bz semedang. :)

cikwawi said...

klod aka eija,

hang jenguk lagi ke blog nih? meh amik tag baru kat blog kita meh.. ngehx3... :)